Fat embolism has been a big issue for people and there is just one reason that made it so sensible.
It is the 'House' season finale that has brought this fat embolism search to its height as a woman was trapped underneath the debris and the doctors were left with two options. The first of the options was to wait for the debris to be cleared so that they could whisk her away to the hospital without having to amputate her leg while the second option was to amputate her leg and then whisk her to the hospital.Her leg had to be amputated but it was already too late as the fat embolism had taken over. Later she died due to her fat embolism.
A fat embolism is when fat enters the blood flow and this can happen when there is physical trauma though it is not always a result of physical trauma. When a large bone gets fractured there is always a great possibility that the bone marrow may enter the blood flow and that is a very dangerous situation because as bone marrow is much thicker than the density of blood it has the tendency to get stuck in veins and nerves, in the end behaving like multiple blood clots.
While be taken to the hospital the woman dies due to her fat embolism and that is because the bone marrow by that time had spread too much throughout her body to be controlled. When it enters the arteries of the heart it can clog them hence causing a complication in the circulation of blood and the resultant death.
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